Banking & Insurance

Discover the story of the creation of the SNCF's digital voice!
SNCF chose Voxygen to digitalise the voice that is known and heard throughout France.
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Contact usSolutions
Voxygen Server
Host your text-to-speech solution on your own infrastructure
Voxygen Cloud
Using speech synthesis in SaaS mode
Voxygen Studio
A user interface for creating audio messages easily
Voxygen Device
La synthèse vocale embarquée pour un usage déconnecté
Customised voice
A voice that reflects your brand identity

The creation of BNP Paribas' voice assistants
Voxygen has created two personalised brand voices for the virtual assistants Telmi (BNP Paribas) and HelloïZ (Hello Bank). BNP Paribas is revolutionising the user experience with its online banking and digital assistants!
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Contact usSpeech synthesis for every industry
Advanced technology for rich, authentic vocal expression, adapted to each industry

Your industry
Solutions tailored to your sector of activity
Convert text into speech instantly!
Discover our cutting-edge TTS solution, perfectly tailored to your needs and easy to integrate
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