Banking & Insurance

Discover the story of the creation of the SNCF's digital voice!
SNCF chose Voxygen to digitalise the voice that is known and heard throughout France.
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Voxygen Server
Host your text-to-speech solution on your own infrastructure
Voxygen Cloud
Using speech synthesis in SaaS mode
Voxygen Studio
A user interface for creating audio messages easily
Voxygen Device
La synthèse vocale embarquée pour un usage déconnecté
Customised voice
A voice that reflects your brand identity

The creation of BNP Paribas' voice assistants
Voxygen has created two personalised brand voices for the virtual assistants Telmi (BNP Paribas) and HelloïZ (Hello Bank). BNP Paribas is revolutionising the user experience with its online banking and digital assistants!
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Creation of 2 personalised brand voices for BNP and Hello Bank voice assistants

Telmi BNP voice
HelloïZ Hello Bank voice
Voxygen Server, Voxygen Studio

AI-based TTS and brand voices for BNP Paribas voice assistants
In a world where digitalization is transforming the way we interact with financial services, BNP Paribas, "the bank for a changing world", found itself faced with a major challenge: how to speak to its customers in a relevant way, with a voice that embodies the values of BNP Paribas?
While the use of studio recordings is the only truly satisfactory solution for creating advertising messages, it is becoming insufficient to respond to customers in a truly relevant and personalised way, providing them with the right information at the right time through a brand voice that establishes a relationship of trust and closeness with the customer.
Having realised this challenge early on, BNP Paribas entrusted Voxygen with the creation of two brand voices in 2018: Telmi for BNP Paribas retail banking and HelloïZ for Hello Bank. The BNP Paribas and Voxygen teams worked very closely together to identify the most relevant use cases and thus qualify the characteristics (age, gender, etc.) and desired tones for each of these voices.
Since 2019, Telmi and HelloïZ voices have been deployed on voice assistants via our on-premise Voxygen Server solution, which enables BNP Paribas to operate these services with complete confidence. This choice represents a real breakthrough in usage by BNP Paribas, because with a TTS solution, BNP Paribas now has the essential technology to transmit dynamic information - both personalised and evolving over time - enabling it to maintain a real relationship of trust and proximity with its customers. This solution is scalable, meaning that it can be scaled up as new uses are introduced and the volume of different services increases.
Alongside these dynamic uses, BNP Paribas wanted to use the Voxygen Studio solution to produce very high quality audio messages completely independently and with all the richness, flexibility and responsiveness offered by this SaaS service. With just a few clicks, the BNP Paribas teams can use the full range of functions of Voxygen Studio to perfect an audio message by adapting the pronunciation of certain words, controlling the placement and length of pauses or adjusting the speed and intonation of the message.
BNP Paribas is completely satisfied with the use of the Voxygen Studio solution. The responsiveness offered by our solution is a crucial point, since thanks to Voxygen Studio, it becomes extremely simple to create an alert message for all customers, or to warn the customers of a branch of an event specific to that branch, such as an exceptional closure or a move, for example. The use of Voxygen Studio proved particularly relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic, a period which made natural voice recording sessions in the studio virtually impossible. On this occasion, the BNP Paribas teams found in Voxygen Studio the only truly operational solution capable of satisfying its customer information needs.
Whether it's adapting voice synthesis to a particular service by implementing specific lexicons or updating voice integrating its very latest AI-based technological innovations, Voxygen stands by BNP Paribas.
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