Banking & Insurance

Discover the story of the creation of the SNCF's digital voice!
SNCF chose Voxygen to digitalise the voice that is known and heard throughout France.
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Contact usSolutions
Voxygen Server
Host your text-to-speech solution on your own infrastructure
Voxygen Cloud
Using speech synthesis in SaaS mode
Voxygen Studio
A user interface for creating audio messages easily
Voxygen Device
La synthèse vocale embarquée pour un usage déconnecté
Customised voice
A voice that reflects your brand identity

The creation of BNP Paribas' voice assistants
Voxygen has created two personalised brand voices for the virtual assistants Telmi (BNP Paribas) and HelloïZ (Hello Bank). BNP Paribas is revolutionising the user experience with its online banking and digital assistants!
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Let's colour your voice!
Voice plays a key role in corporate communication and customer relationship. It's even becoming a key differentiator from your competitors, essential to your success. In a context of digital transformation, it's imperative that you stand out from the crowd with your own Brand Voice!
Revitalise your brand
Breathe life into your products and services and enhance your customers' experience. Voxygen's expressive voices allow you to connect with your customers like never before through truly relevant and personal interactions.
Now voice is the defining element of your brand identity.
Impact of Voice on Brands
With the rise of voice interaction, finding the voice of your brand is becoming increasingly strategic. Unlike a touch or text interface, voice allows you to develop a deeper emotional connection with your customers every time they interact with your brand. As a result, voice interaction has a much stronger impact on how your brand is perceived. It is therefore essential that brands design and develop the personality and tone of voice to effectively manage customers' perception of what is being said in all conversations and interactions.
" Be a voice, not an echo! " *
Our modern, digital world is increasingly dominated by the global tech giants. This makes it all too easy for other third-party brands to let their hard-earned customer relationships fall into the hands of the “GAFAs”. Brands risk fading into the background unless they realise what is at stake.
From a brand perspective, the growing trend of “disintermediation” proposed by these tech giants is to be avoided at all costs. Instead, build distinct and personalised relationships with your customers. Voice Commerce is an opportunity for all. Differentiate with Voice, certainly, but make it Your Own Voice!
By safeguarding a direct relationship with your customers, embodying and personifying your services and products with your own voice identity, your brand will stand out from your competitors and gain in visibility.
*Albert Einstein
Customer intimacy
To build a deeper customer relationship, brands also need to ensure that services and contents can be easily accessed through voice in a simple and intuitive manner. Each message needs to be understood fully, easily and without ambiguity.
Indeed, brands that can create truly relevant, personalised interaction with the right words, tone, prosody and emotion will be able to capture the attention of their customers better than their competitors can.
Voice identity builds Trust
As an interface, Voice is unique in its ability to convey the deepest emotional elements that are the real drivers of customer value and, above all, trust.
Give your customers a dependable, homogeneous voice experience that reinforces the quality of your brand.
It’s all about Experience
It’s all about customer experience! So, why not give your customers a better one than your competitors can deliver? With Voice, brands have the opportunity to surprise and delight their customers with a newly enriched experience. Shine a new light on your products and services with a high-quality expressive Voice that conveys personalised information and reflects the values of your brand.
Say it like you Mean it
A voice that simply sounds “natural” is not enough to fully convey the intent of a message. You don’t warn someone in the same tone that you thank them. By adapting to context, Voxygen’s voices can be welcoming, comforting, informative, didactic or even authoritative, but always impressive. Your multi-expressive Voice will be enriched and tailored to your own unique use cases.
Homogeneous Experience
By creating your own Voice, you will be able to propagate your Brand and provide a homogeneous experience across all channels. Use the same Brand Voice identity for each customer interaction, be it in your contact centres, voice assistants, interactive terminals, your website, advertising campaigns, and any other application.
Your Brand Voice is always with you. Your digital spokesperson is there whenever and wherever you need it.
Voice as your Digital Brand
Voice is becoming the primary means of interaction with customers and as such, it is the key component of your future brand identity and must therefore be given high priority in the development of your corporate strategy.
Voice increases business effciency, generates its own value, and first and foremost, voice identifes who you really are.
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