
Conditions of use and GDPR


Statistical analysis cookies

Statistical cookies are used solely to compile statistics on visits to our site, without collecting any personal data.


GDPR - Protection of personal data

In order to manage the commercial relationship with its customers and prospects, VOXYGEN may collect the following information: first and last name, position, email address(es) and business telephone number(s). This information is stored in VOXYGEN's CRM software and secured in accordance with state-of-the-art best practice. VOXYGEN does not communicate any information about the customer or prospective customer to third parties without their prior authorisation. The customer or prospective customer has the right to access, rectify, delete and port data concerning them. To exercise these rights, they may contact their sales contact or write to VOXYGEN keeps the customer's or prospect's data only for as long as is reasonably necessary to process their request and for a maximum period of two years from the end of the contracts linking the customer to VOXYGEN.


Responsibility for demonstrator use

Any user of the voice demonstrator undertakes not to make any use of the voices provided by VOXYGEN that might offend human dignity or be contrary to the laws in force. In particular, they undertake not to create or disseminate messages of a racist, hateful, homophobic, sexist or defamatory nature, or messages of an obscene, pornographic or harassing nature, all the more so when the message is likely to be seen or perceived by a child.


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